Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. for Mock Scallops Recipe 1

  2. 1- 1/2 pounds halibut steak or cod or haddock sliced

  3. 1/2 inch thick

  4. Dry mustard

  5. Salt and pepper

  6. corn oil

  7. Fine, dry bread crumbs

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Remove any skin and bones from the fish.

  2. Cut in pieces the size of scallops.

  3. Dip in corn oil, dust sparingly with the mustard, salt and pepper and put in a baking dish oiled with corn oil.

  4. Cover with the crumbs, pour in a little corn oil, using that in which the fish was dipped, and bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven, 375 degrees F.

  5. Serve with sliced lemon, a plain vegetable salad and French Fried or Shoe String Potatoes.


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