• 2servings
  • 40minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids
VitaminsA, B2, C, P
MineralsNatrium, Silicon, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 thigh legs pieces

  2. 1tsp peppercorn

  3. garlic flakes 4

  4. 1 piece (1inch) ginger

  5. 1 (1inch) cinnamon (stick)

  6. 4 (green) cardamom

  7. 10-12 cloves

  8. 1/2tsp garam masala powder

  9. 1 onion

  10. 2-3 green chilies

  11. 2 (blades) mace

  12. Coriander leaves, (little less than a bunch)

  13. 2tbsp vinegar

  14. 1-2tbsp rum

  15. Oil to shallow fry

  16. Salt to taste

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Wash the chicken pieces and pat dry.

  2. Cut slashes in the flesh of the chicken to allow the marinade to penetrate.

  3. Apply salt and rum to the chicken pieces and keep aside.

  4. In a mixer grinder or blender grind together onion,chili,garlic,ginger,cloves,cardamom,cinnamon,mace, garam masala,peppercorn,coriander, and vinegar.

  5. Apply this green paste to the chicken and leave overnight.

  6. Heat oil in a pan for shallow fry. Fry the chicken pieces without the marinate masala.

  7. Remove the chicken pieces in another pan, add the marinate masala.

  8. Cover and cook for another 10minutes on low flame. Prick the chicken with a fork and check if it is soft and well cooked.

  9. Chicken Cafreal is a semi-gravy recipe so dry the gravy accordingly.

  10. Remove from heat and serve.

  11. Tips!

  12. Serve Chicken Cafreal with bread,roti or rice.


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