• 12servings
  • 35minutes
  • 442calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsH, D
MineralsFluorine, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 125g (4oz) self-raising flour

  2. 30g (1oz) cocoa

  3. 125g (4oz) soft dark brown sugar

  4. Half a 397g jar of caramel sauce or condensed milk

  5. 2 medium eggs

  6. 150g (5oz) butter, softened

  7. Half a 397g jar of caramel sauce

  8. 200g bar plain chocolate, melted

  9. 84 brightly coloured sweets

  10. 12-hole muffin tray, lined with paper cases

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Set the oven to 190ºC (380°F/gas mark 5).

  2. Start with the cupcakes. Sift the flour and cocoa into a bowl and stir in the sugar. Add the caramel sauce or condensed milk, eggs and butter to the bowl and beat until the mixture is smooth. Divide the mixture between the paper cases in the bun tray.

  3. Bake the cakes in the centre of the oven for 15-20 mins or until they have risen and are just firm to the touch. Remove the cakes from the oven and transfer them to a wire rack to cool.

  4. To make the topping, warm the remaining caramel sauce or condensed milk very slightly and stir in the chocolate.

  5. Leave the mixture to cool and thicken slightly and then spread it over the top of the cup cakes. Arrange 7 sweets on the top of each. (Not suitable for freezing).


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