Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. cabbage (Leaves )

  2. 2 potatoes (boiled and smashed)

  3. cup of green peas (boiled and smashed)

  4. Coriander leaves (for garnish)

  5. 1 green chili (chopped)

  6. 1/2tsp garlic paste

  7. 1/2tsp ginger paste

  8. 1/2tsp of fennel seeds

  9. 1/4tsp of turmeric powder

  10. 2tsp oil

  11. For batter:

  12. 1/2 cup chickpea flour (besan)

  13. 2tbsp of rice flour

  14. Salt per taste

  15. 1tsp red chili powder

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. At first we have to make the masala

  2. First pour 2tsp oil in a deep pan and make it hot

  3. Add the chopped green chili

  4. Put the fennel seeds

  5. Now add the ginger and garlic paste

  6. Stir it well

  7. Now add the smashed potatoes and green peas

  8. Put garlic powder and salt

  9. Simmer for few minutes

  10. Put the chopped coriander leaves

  11. Simmer it for a minute

  12. The stock is ready now

  13. Now start to make the batter

  14. Pour water in the besan

  15. Beat it well to make a nice and smooth batter

  16. Take a cabbage leave

  17. Cut it into 2 through its central part

  18. Now take 1tbsp stuffing and put in on the sliced cabbage leave

  19. Roll the cabbage leave

  20. Deep it well into the batter and mix it well

  21. Now deep fry it

  22. Now repeat the same process for the rest stuffing and cabbage leaves

  23. Crispy cabbage rolls are ready to be served


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