• 12servings
  • 60minutes
  • 345calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
MineralsNatrium, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Cupcakes

  2. 11/2 cups all-purpose flour

  3. 1 cup sugar

  4. 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted

  5. 1 tsp baking soda

  6. 1/2 tsp salt

  7. 1/3 cup oil

  8. 1 Tbsp cider vinegar

  9. 1 tsp vanilla extract

  10. Frosting & Decoration

  11. 3 cups confectioners sugar

  12. 1/2 stick (4 Tbsp) butter, softened

  13. 3 to 4 Tbsp milk

  14. Unsweetened cocoa powder and liquid red food color 6 creme-filled sugar wafer cookies

  15. Multicolor sprinkles

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Cupcakes: Heat oven to 350°F. Line 12 regular-size (21⁄2-in.-diam) muffin cups with paper or foil liners.

  2. Whisk flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt in a large bowl to mix. Add oil, vinegar, vanilla and 1 cup cold water; stir until blended. Divide between muffin cups.

  3. Bake 22 to 25 minutes until a wooden pick inserted in centers of cupcakes comes out dry. Cool in pan on a wire rack 10 minutes before removing cupcakes to rack to cool completely.

  4. Frosting: Combine confectioners sugar, butter and 3 Tbsp milk in a medium bowl; beat with mixer on medium speed until smooth and creamy, adding remaining 1 Tbsp milk if needed.

  5. Remove 2 Tbsp frosting to a small bowl; stir in about 1⁄2 tsp cocoa powder to tint light brown. Remove 2 Tbsp frosting to another small bowl; tint pink with red food color.

  6. Using a serrated knife, cut each wafer cookie in half crosswise. Trim edges to make ice cream cones.

  7. Frost cupcakes with remaining white frosting. Place a cone on each. Spoon on a small dollop of tinted ice cream and add sprinkles.

  8. Planning Tip: Can be made up to 2 days ahead. Store airtight at room temperature.


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