Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 100 grams 4 ounces

  2. 1 large onion

  3. 1 dried chili pepper

  4. 1 tumbler of olive oil

  5. 2/3 cup

  6. Seasonal vegetables (Swiss chard, cabbage, spinach, peas, broad beans, carrots, potatoes, courgettes

  7. zucchini

  8. )

  9. 2-3 cloves of garlic

  10. Slices of bread

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Chop the pork fat very finely, dice all the vegetables, crush the garlic.

  2. Put the pork fat, olive oil, onion, garlic and chili in a large pot and cook over a medium flame till the onions are cooked. Then add all the vegetables and about a litre of water. Bring to boil and then simmer till vegetables are cooked (approx 30 minutes).

  3. Variation: Once the soup is nearly cooked, crack an egg over it and allow the egg to cook.

  4. To serve, place 2-3 day old bread in bottom of your soup bowls and ladle the soup over them. You can also add a splash of olive oil and more chili to taste.

  5. Yield: 4-6 servings of acquacotta.


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