• 2servings
  • 180minutes
  • 574calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B2, B3, B9, B12, C, D, P
MineralsZinc, Copper, Natrium, Silicon, Calcium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 1/2 pounds beef chuck roast or rump, cut into 1" cubes

  2. 2 cups tomatoes cooked, chopped

  3. 1 large onion chopped

  4. 1 each bay leaf

  5. 1 each garlic clove minced

  6. 3 quarts water cold

  7. 1Medium head cabbage shredded

  8. 2 tablespoons sugar

  9. 2 tablespoons white vinegar

  10. 1 tablespoon lemon juice fresh

  11. 1 x salt and black pepper to taste

  12. 1 x sour cream, light for garnish*

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In a large soup pot, cover the beef, tomatoes, onion, bay leaf, and garlic with the cold water.

  2. Let stand for 1 hour. Simmer, covered, for 2-3 hours.

  3. Remove the bay leaf and add the cabbage, sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper.

  4. Simmer for 15 minutes or until the cabbage is tender.

  5. Before serving, add the lemon juice and garnish each serving with a dollop of the sour cream.


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