• 15servings
  • 15minutes
  • 326calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids
MineralsSelenium, Copper, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 cups cashew nut, unsalted or 300 g, grounded

  2. 2 teaspoons ghee

  3. 1 teaspoon rose water

  4. 1 tin nestle fat free sweetened condensed milk or 2 cups pistachio nut or 300 g, unsalted & grounded

  5. 1/2 teaspoon food coloring , (green color)

  6. 1 teaspoon ground cardamom

  7. 4 tablespoons nestle klim low fat

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Place ground Cashews in a small sauce pan; add 1 tbs Ghee, Rosewater and half of the Nestle Fat Free Sweetened Condensed Milk to the pan and cook over medium low heat for 10 minutes until mixtures is well combined.

  2. Meanwhile place ground Pistachios in another sauce pan; add 1 tbs Ghee, Green Food Color, Cardamom Powder and the remaining Nestle Fat Free Sweetened Condensed Milk to the pan and cook over medium low heat for 10 minutes until mixtures is well combined.

  3. Stir in 2 tbs KLIM Milk Powder in each pan until firm dough is formed.

  4. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

  5. Roll the cashew mixture on a piece of wax paper and evenly flatten to a 10cm x 30cm rectangle, about 5mm thick.

  6. Form the green pistachio mixture in to a 30 cm log place in the center of the cashew mixture.

  7. Tightly roll the cashew over around the pistachio log, allow to cool in fridge until hardened before cutting into 2 cm cylinders.


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