Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. MEAT: Keep bones, fat/skin and bits/chunks of meat (poultry, beef , pork ) from either raw or cooked meat (don't throw out bones from the dinner table). Put them in a plastic tub & keep in freezer until ready to make stockNOTE: When I trim the fat from meat or remove the skin from chicken , I keep them for the stock ; it adds so much flavour and you'll de-fat the stock later. -- YOU CAN OMIT THE MEAT FOR VEGAN stock --

  2. VEGGIES: In another plastic tub, keep bits of raw or cooked veggies. Include onion & onion skins (lends a beautiful dark colour to the broth ), parsley stems, garlic (skins & all - I use an entire bud & just slice it in half), celery tips & bottom (just make sure to rinse well), carrots bits, broccoli stems , mushroom stems, leftover lettuce / cabbage leaves or the core, keep the green parts of a leek - just wash carefully, potato (don't use mashed), leftover spinach or green-leafed veggie ( kale , collards...) and keep the stems, squash , zucchini , tips & tails of beans ... and the list goes on...

  3. NOTE: The only vegetables I don't use are waxy-type: bell peppers , tomatoes for example or very strong-flavoured veggie - cauliflower , dill

  4. CONDIMENTS: peppercorns , bay leaves , cardamon pod (gives an almost lemony hint). NOTE: This stock has a lot of flavour, so no need for salt

  5. OTHER: Heels from aged cheese ie parmasean, romano...

  6. 5 peppercorns , broccoli stems , chopped onion & skin, a couple of garlic cloves

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In stockpot, put any amount and any combination of meat, veggies & condiments.

  2. Pour cold water over your creation until it covers it by at least 2" (5cm)

  3. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a gentle bubbling.

  4. Go have a nap Take a shower Watch a movie Let it simmer for as little as 3 hours or as many as 8 hours Let cool then put in fridge overnight.

  5. Next day, remove any fat that surfaced. I sometimes leave it in for 2 days to make sure the fat has completely solidified, especially if I made a lot of stock.

  6. Strain the broth (see note below about the meat, bones, veggies)

  7. If not using immediately, pour broth into medium or large zipper-type freezer bags, freeze flat.

  8. NOTE: Back to the meat, bones, veggies: You can either discard these when you strain the broth or be “frugaler” and start the whole process over again. The broth will be as flavourful as the first one. Discard the meat etc. after the 2nd time.


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