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  1. Ingredients: shrimp, rice, nut, juice, lime, tamarind, chilli, vegetable, palm, ginger

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsA, B1, C
    MineralsFluorine, Potassium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Crispy dried fish, rice and sambal terasi ...
  2. Ingredients: rice, coconut, yogurt, tamarind, lemon, carrot, eggplant, mango, chili, mustard

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsA, B1, B3, C, E
    MineralsFluorine, Chlorine, Phosphorus
    South Indian Rice Recipes
    Servings1 people
  3. Ingredients: soy sauce, chicken, pea, potato, cookie, beans, milk, juice, coconut, cherry, lemon, lime, plum, tamarind, tomato, cucumber, cream, vegetable, ginger
    a quick midweek curry: malaysian-style ...
  4. Ingredients: canola oil, chicken, fish, sauce, rice, peanut, egg, honey, cabbage, lemon, lime, tamarind, scallion
    Pad Thai
  5. Ingredients: fish, pea, milk, peanut, coconut, tomato, tamarind, mustard, chilli, cumin, ginger
    Goan fish curry
  6. Ingredients: clam, squid, crab, beans, rice, juice, tamarind, lime, chilli

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB1, B12, C
    MineralsCopper, Natrium, Fluorine, Chromium, Magnesium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Molybdenum
    Jaffna kool recipe
  7. Ingredients: squid, shrimp, coconut, juice, milk, nut, tamarind, lemon, ginger, chili, palm
    Gulai Cumi-Cumi (Squid Curry Recipe)
  8. Ingredients: fish, sauce, beans, rice, peanut, egg, cashew, lime, tamarind, wine, sprouts, chili
    Pad Thai with Rutabagas
  9. Ingredients: pastry, pea

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB6, H, E
    MineralsChromium, Iron, Magnesium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt
    Chaat recipe
  10. Ingredients: canola oil, squid, fish, lobster, juice, anchovies, coconut, lemon, grape, lime, tamarind, cucumber, palm, vegetable, chilli, ginger
    Pan-roasted painted crayfish and fried ...
  11. nutrition [Chlorine] search - tamarind+paste | Recipe Finder - page 22
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