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Vitamin C:

Popularly known as ascorbic acid, this vitamin plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. It helps boost the immune system and is required for the growth and maintenance of body tissues. Additionally, Vitamin C functions as an anti-oxidant, which serves to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

  1. Ingredients: chocolate, cookie, wafer, orange, ice

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
    Witch Hat Cupcakes Recipe
    Servings20 people
  2. Ingredients: chocolate, almond, juice, egg, marmalade, cocoa, orange, ice

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB12, H, C, D
    MineralsFluorine, Cobalt
    Baby Blue cupcakes
  3. Ingredients: chocolate, frost, pistachio, egg, ricotta, milk, candi, citron, orange

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsProteins, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB1, B2, B3, B12, H, C, D
    MineralsNatrium, Fluorine, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Sulfur, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Dom DeLuise Cupcakes
  4. Ingredients: chocolate, pretzel, frost, wafer, orange

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
    Treasure Map Cupcakes
  5. Ingredients: chocolate, beans, milk, orange, ice, jelly

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
    MineralsCopper, Chromium, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Lion and Lamb Cupcakes
  6. Ingredients: chocolate, fish, candi, orange, ice, mint

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsProteins, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB1, B2, B3, B6, H, C
    MineralsSelenium, Iodine, Fluorine, Potassium, Phosphorus
    Snowman Cupcakes
    Servings12 people
  7. Ingredients: beans, candi, egg, juice, tangerine, pumpkin, orange, pineapple, ice, jelly, vegetable

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB3, H, C, E
    MineralsCopper, Fluorine, Chromium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Jack and Sally: Together Forever Cake
  8. Ingredients: cocoa, orange, lemon, ice

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsC, D
    Buttercream recipe - Recipes - BBC Good ...
    Contains284 cal
  9. Ingredients: chocolate, frost, coconut, candi, orange

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
    Mr. Wiggly
    Servings12 people
  10. Ingredients: ice cream, chocolate, cookie, frost, wafer, candi, orange

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsC, P
    MineralsCopper, Calcium
    Circus Cake
  11. nutrition [Vitamin C] search - chocolate+cupcakes | Recipe Finder - page 9
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