1. Ingredients: beans, rice, chickpea, coconut, peanut, milk, cauliflower, lime
    Cauliflower-Lime Curry
    Contains500 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in35 min
  2. Ingredients: olive oil, chicken, potato, peanut, yogurt, cauliflower, ginger, cilantro

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
    VitaminsA, B2, E
    MineralsNatrium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Curried Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and ...
    Contains473 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in330 min
  3. Ingredients: rice, lentil, coconut, mango, cauliflower, ginger, chutney, bread, vegetable

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates
    VitaminsA, B1, B9, C, E, P
    MineralsFluorine, Silicon, Potassium, Sulfur, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Yellow lentil & coconut curry with ...
    Contains356 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in50 min
  4. Ingredients: potato, yogurt, juice, cauliflower, tomato, lemon, ginger, bread, chilli, cumin, vegetable

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsA, B3, B9, C, P
    MineralsSilicon, Potassium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Cauliflower & potato curry recipe - ...
    Contains212 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in40 min
  5. Ingredients: canola oil, chickpea, rice, raisins, cashew, tomato, cauliflower, cumin, cinnamon, saffron, mustard, chili

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB1, B3, C, P
    MineralsNatrium, Fluorine, Silicon, Sulfur, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt
    Basmati Rice & Curry Casserole (Chana aur ...
    Contains313 cal
    Servings6 people
    Ready in110 min
  6. Ingredients: pea, potato, rice, chickpea, coconut, milk, squash, cauliflower, cilantro
    No-Hurry Vegetable Curry
    Contains355 cal
    Servings6 people
    Ready in420 min
  7. Ingredients: tomato, cauliflower, vegetable

    Nutrition Info . . .

    VitaminsA, B3, C, P
    MineralsNatrium, Silicon, Potassium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Indian Cauliflower
    Contains168 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in40 min
  8. Ingredients: pea, beans, potato, coconut, cauliflower, carrot, cabbage, cream, chilli, mustard, cumin, vegetable, ginger
    Stir-fried vegetable curry
    Contains370 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in80 min
  9. Ingredients: canola oil, rice, beans, chickpea, nut, raisins, cashew, cauliflower, tomato, cinnamon, cumin, saffron, mustard, chili

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB1, B3, C, P
    MineralsNatrium, Fluorine, Silicon, Sulfur, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt
    Chana aur Sarson ka Saag Biryani (Basmati ...
    Contains251 cal
    Servings6 people
    Ready in105 min
  10. Ingredients: potato, milk, carrot, cauliflower, cream, cumin

    Nutrition Info . . .

    VitaminsA, B3, C, D, E, P
    MineralsNatrium, Silicon, Calcium, Potassium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Quick 'n Creamy Cauliflower Soup - Low ...
    Contains110 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in25 min
  11. Recipes with photo | Recipes step by step | Culinary recipes with photos, simple home recipes | - page 3
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